Off on a new foot

Thursday.  The dust is settled, I am ensconced in my new studio, though there much is still to do before it is complete.  I haven’t blogged for a long while now, and so this missive is choppy and ill-conceived.  I hope they improve again.

I start anew this day, albeit with scaled back dreams and adrift in remorse of the time I have wasted.  There is no fool like an old fool.  So the task ahead of me is removing one set of handprints and replacing them with another set.

Akashaic  is still a work in progress, is about 80% outlined and 20% in draft.  A major character shift has me going back over the drafts …

Mz Linda is making me sausage this morning.  Turkey sausage, more precisely.  Not quite as toothsome as the old pork sausage was, but Kosher and better for me.
The chat room is a mixture of Messianic’s, Muslims, Catholic ex pats, a couple of “Templars”, and three Jews.  Not much to keep me entertained as the morning unfolds.

I’ll go down and clean the synagogue in a bit.  It has become my Friday kabbalat, or my way of preparing for the Shabbat.  The “synagogue” is about 20’ X 25’, with a 8’X8’ foyer.  It takes me about an hour to prepare it for Shabbat.  Then upon returning home, a long shower followed by a Shabbat meal.

So I hope this finds you all in good health, and I hope this daily missive will grow back into 500 to 700 word essays again.

Good morning!



  1. I look forward to the reading. You are a writer Rusty George. Even your chopped up journal is well presented. I hope it's a 'Good Sabbath.'

  2. Yeaaa.. more writings from the old fool.. and I am an old fool reading them. Looking forward to whatever you have to put out there.. Where is this chat room and can a Atheist join in?


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