
OK … on the agenda today.
*       See if Bubba and Dubby’s trap got a skunk kitty.
*       Mow the patch of ground where the county left a road sweeper over the weekend.  Snookums suggested we put a for sale sign on it, but the county came and got it today.
*       Fix a formica edge at the shul
*       Finish cleaning out my old studio before Snookums goes apoplectic.  Wimmen sure get cranky at times.  But at others she can become such a sweetheart and fix me eggs and sausage.  Normally toast and Jelly is the breakfast menu as we fight our weight.
I should get some tomato’s out if I can find sets at the farmers market.  I am not used to the two growing seasons here yet. 
Not a lot going on here right now as we adjust to a smaller family.  There is just two of us now, and two dogs.  The house seems empty in the mornings without Beaker da Budgie.  Maybe I’ll sneak a bird into the house while snook looks the other way.
And I am moving my Rusty’s Armory over to Blogster.  Silly me did not know that blogger and Blogster were different sites.  A lot of my old 360/multiply friends are there.  I’ll still keep blogger to use with the other accounts I have.
Here is the link if you want to follow it.
But for the moment, I blog, I check emails, I work on a Powerpoint project.  But mostly I sip coffee and watch the world roll by outside my two windows into the universe.

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