The fall rains have come, four days of slow soaking rains that refresh the parched landscape that was seared by three years of relentless drought. But this is a fierce land that has learned to put its roots down deep and to lie dormant. The native grasses lost no time in bolting to seedheads and are scattering those seeds onto the sunburned bare patches where they will first put down a long taproot that winds between the stones of the rocky soil.
By the time the fields dry enough to mow, I will be force to mow half swaths with the mower to keep it from clogging up the mowers deck. A lot of the native trees have died and I have been cutting the dead falls before they break off the tree. I am getting quite a collection of limbs that will need to be burned off as soon as the county cancels the burn ban.
Last night’s Rosh Hashanah celebration at our little synagogue went well, and we will have another close to noon today. I don’t expect today’s turnout to be as large as last nights was, but that is good too.
The news is still full of Arab/Muslim raging. Ho hum. They always rage. Misleading polls abound this election. I am shocked that major pollsters deliberately skew the results. I have had a peek at the private polls in both parties, and I think that a large percentage of people are going to be shocked at the winner on November 7th. The party hacks all know now, and watch which ones start running for cover in mid-October.
My soul is still unquiet at this time, and I don’t know what to attribute it to. Mz Muze has fled, and I have once again set the novel aside. The last flush of creativity produced close to 10,000 words, much of which I like. So other than being annoyed at this hiatus, I don’t feel as if the novel has died.
Mz Linda has fed the mutts and done her other morning ministrations, and is rewarding herself with a few rounds of a video game. The mutts themselves have finished their morning romp, but are still hyper because Linda has not been able to take them out to walk or play.
And as always, I sit here in my new studio and watch the birds play in the trees as the sun finds a hole in the rain bands and beams down a bright yellow ray to bathe the yard in sunlight. The coffee cup is awaiting its refill. And soon the days portion of evil will be upon me, but for now, it is peace.
Good morning!
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